Everything you need to become a Prep!
- Monogrammed shirts, towels, and bathing suits. If J. Crew makes it–monogram it!
- Perky Nicknames – such as Muffy (for girls) and Trip (for guys). Preppy names often include unusual first names that stem from the last name of your great-great-great grandfather on your mother’s side. These names are usually referred to as “family names.” It is not to have an unusual first name that could be construed as a hippie name or stripper name.
- Family Pet – Every preppy family has a preppy pooch to call their own. Not sure what to name your preppy dog? Well, the preppy life is here to help. Click here for the preppy life’s top ten dog names.
- Closet full of clothes dominated by the colors pink, green, and yellow. Having the correct wardrobe is key. Still need some help with your wardrobe? Here is a great list of summer staples.
- Polo shirts – one in every color.
- Madras – and lots of it!
- Grosgrain Hair Ribbons -the perkier the better!
- Preppy Cars – Upon turning 16 the most desired car is your parents old BMW, Volvo or Mercedes. Newer cars include VWs, Audi’s, and Jeeps. Don’t forget to put your preppy car keys on your lanyard!
- Lacrosse Stick in the trunk of your car. Appropriate sports also include field hockey (for girls), tennis, crew, rugby, water polo, golf and cross-country
- Preppy Books – Read about the education and habits of other preps.
- Preppy Music – Current artists include Jack Johnson, Vampire Weekend, and Phish.
- Preppy Movies – Watch some of the greats in action
- Preppy Vacations – Every prep needs a little R&R. Whether decorating your beach house or spending a summer at the shore, some time in the sand is a must!

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