Sunday Morning Breakfast


When I can’t convince anyone to make blueberry pancakes, my favorite Sunday breakfast is a mushroom and cheese omelette with thyme. Thyme is a easy-to-grow herb that loves hot weather, perfect if you, like me, forgets to water.

3 to 4 eggs, I prefer a combination of 1 egg and 3 egg whites
1/4 cup of mushrooms, shiitake are good
1/4 cup of shreaded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon of  fresh thyme
salt & pepper

1. Lightly cover a frying pan with cooking spray. Saute the mushrooms for about 2 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

2. Remove mushrooms. In a small bowl, mix the eggs and add the thyme. Salt and pepper to taste.

3. Pour the mixed eggs and thyme into the pan. Add cheese and mushrooms. Heat mixture until the eggs are gelled. Fold in half.

4. Serves two. Great with whole wheat toast and bacon.