If you have a question for the Preppy Girl email it to me at preppygirl@thepreppylife.com.
Dear Preppy Girl,
I have the preppy attitude down pat. Confidence without seeming stuck up, kind, sweet, funny, upbeat, energetic, all the things that make us preppy girls so lovable. But! I have a problem! I can’t afford cute preppy clothes and accessories. I think I know more about Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs & Poppy then the people who actually wear it. I love fashion! But I can’t afford it. Help, what should I do?
Thanks so much!
– Preppy Pauper
Dear Preppy Pauper,
I am so sorry to hear about your financial woes. I have been in your boat many times. Thank goodness preppy clothes never go out of style! I recommend a trip to you mother or grandmother’s attic. I am sure you can find many treasures: cute cardigans, retro cocktail dresses, preppy blazers, maybe there is even a Channel bag stashed away. The Goodwill and secondhand stores are another goldmine. You never know what type of cute handbags and accessories you will find. If the second hand stores in your town are less than desirable, its time to take a road trip and check out stores in another town. When you are shopping at the mall, I recommend scrimping on your basics. Target, Old Navy, and Kohl’s have tons of great deals. Take advantage of their low prices so you can save your money for a few special items.
And when you get shopping-induced sadness, just remember this mantra of preppy fashion: “Hand-me-down clothing is always cooler than store-bought originals.”
Happy Shopping!
– P.G.