If you have a question for the Preppy Girl email it to me at preppygirl@thepreppylife.com.
Dear Preppy Girl,
Are the TOMS shoes in for preps? I really like them and the fact that they can be winter/summer shoes but I didn’t know if they would fall into the “prep” category.
Newly Prep
Dear Newly Prep,
That is a great question. I see more and more preps wearing TOMS. Their shoes are very boho prep. TOMS gives a pair of shoes to needy children for every pair sold through their “one for one” program. The founder of the company, Blake Mycoskie, spotted the alpargatas style of shoes in Argentina. He liked them so much, he brought a few pairs home with him. Before long he started a company selling shoes that resembled the alpargatas.
TOMS are so chic and come in a variety of styles and materials. I love the cords for fall.
-Preppy Girl